<aside> 📌 パーキーソンの法則 「仕事量」は「与えられた時間」を使い切るまで膨張する


<aside> 📌 Parkinson's Law 'Work' expands until the 'given time' is used up


<aside> 📌 エメットの法則 仕事を先延ばしにすることは、片付けることよりも倍の時間とエネルギーを要する


<aside> 📌 Emmett's Law Procrastinating work requires double the time and energy than tackling it


<aside> 📌 ディヘイの法則 簡単な仕事は、いつでもできると言う理由で、常に先送りされる


<aside> 📌 D'Hey's law Simple tasks are always postponed on the grounds that they can be done at any time


気合ではどうにもならないので工夫が大事 Mentality can't solve anything.




Will human behavior change just by thinking "I'll try harder next time" or "I'll do it this way next time"? Yes, it does not change. Generally, such thoughts and reflections are forgotten when you sleep, and they disappear like mist when you eat delicious food, have a turf war, or travel to the Pardia region.

And as the deadline looms, I panic, suddenly remember, despair at the remaining time and my own lack of planning, and end up desperately submitting a work that I'm not satisfied with the day before the deadline. It's a cycle of this.



So, let's think about how to prevent it, not with idealism but with ingenuity.

時間を可視化する Visualizing Time



2023年度(2022年10月~2024年3月) 3か月ガントチャート 無料ダウンロード・印刷


Visualize time, whether digitally or analog. The human mind is probably occupied thinking about the week ahead. Seeing it in a list makes it easier to understand.

We recommend the file distributed at the following site. It allows you to look over a long period of time at a glance. By using this, you can reduce the tragedy of realizing "Gee, there was such a deadline in the first week" when you turn to the next month in the calendar.

It is very important to have time to play and sleep first. This must be kept absolutely. Because if you lose time to play and sleep, your work capacity will be less than half and you will be exhausted.

やることを明確にして、順番を考える Clarify what needs to be done


これを前もって考えておくことがなぜ大事なのか? 初めて料理を作る前に手順を確認しますよね? 炒めものをしている間に大根の皮むきなんてやってられないですよね? 作業手順を守って考えることによって、はじめてやることとその順番が明確になります。


