We have created a command line tool aspect-tool for boosting the development of Contract and Aspect.

It contains many scripts for quickly building, deploying and invoking. It is a useful tool for developing “rich-dApp” which includes both contract and Aspect.


Executing the following command to install:

# install aspect-tool
npm install -g @artela/aspect-tool

Initialize Your Project

Next, you can initialize your project with the help of aspect-tool , execute the following commands to initialize:

# create a new directory and enter into it
mkdir my-first-aspect && cd my-first-aspect

# initialize a new npm project
npm init -y

# initialize the given npm project with aspect 
aspect-tool init

# install required dependencies
npm install

Here is the layout of the project.

├── README.md
├── asconfig.json
├── assembly
│   ├── aspect                 <-- your aspect here
│   │   └── aspect.ts          <-- entry functions of aspect
│   └── index.ts
├── contracts                  <-- your contract here
├── node_modules
│   ├── @artela
│   │   ├── aspect-libs        <-- library of aspect
│   │   ├── aspect-tool        <-- aspect-tool, utils of aspect
│   │   ├── web3               <--│
│   │   ├── web3-atl           <--│
│   │   ├── web3-atl-aspect    <--│
│   │   ├── web3-core          <--├── artela.web3js, artela web3 client.
│   │   ├── web3-core-method   <--│
│   │   ├── web3-eth-contract  <--│
│   │   └── web3-utils         <--│
│   ├── @assemblyscript        <-- aseemblyscript libs
├── package.json
├── project.config.json
├── scripts                    <-- scripts for depolying & binding contract, e.g. "npm run contract:deploy"
│   ├── aspect-deploy.cjs
│   ├── bind.cjs
│   ├── contract-call.cjs
│   └── contract-deploy.cjs
├── tests
└── tsconfig.json

Develop a Smart Contract

1. Add smart contract

Create your contract source files, name as *.sol, in the project’s contracts directory.

For example, we create a file called Counter.sol and implement a simple smart contract as the following:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0
pragma solidity >=0.8.2 <0.9.0;

contract Counter {
    uint256 private counter;

    // The aspect specification should give overriding the isOwner method.
    function isOwner(address user) external view returns (bool result) {
	      return true;

    function count(uint256 number) public {
        counter = counter + number;

This smart contract has a function count, which takes a number and adds the number to an on-chain state variable counter. We will use this smart contract later with our Aspect.