We are in tough times - that's where the diamonds are made.

We have seen it all - the top and the bottom. And have experienced everything - TOGETHER.

Cets is about being free, being wild, being who you are.. its about celebrating the creativity that lies in each and everyone of us, it stands about having the courage to be fearless in the face of the world, it stands for the misfits - the rebels - the hearts that can do anything and everything and do it in STYLE.

It's a vibe - it's a feeling - it's CETS.

From DAY1 - the main reason to create CETS was to create this community that we dreamt of - making a place where anything and everything is allowed - where you are not banned to shoot multiple messages but are celebrated for that. Where you listen to music together, where you feel at home. A place which can foster the creativity of these rebels and align them together to have fun and grow together. Create the most organic vibes ever to be seen anywhere before.

A Renaissance of digital street culture.

For @peblo and I this community was a vibe that encapsulated urban street culture to its core - it is rebellious, uncensored and free. And that’s where most of the visual vocabulary came into play - something that can convey these values ON THE FACE and can be easily identifiable by the free hearts. It was called ‘cats on crack’ - a name deliberately chosen so that the faint hearted can get the fk off, it wasn’t meant for them. it’s dirty, it’s messy, it’s organic, it’s free… there are no rules except to spread lob and to stick together with any other cet out there.

And what a ride it was - we surpassed everything from 3 twitter bans to the ‘crack’ revolt to us being termed as a ‘rug’ to the floor dropping right after the mint to the founders being racially judged…. EVERYTHING. The plan was going on smoothly - It was very simple - the community is the one that is creating the culture, they are the ones building the project - we are just the mediators, taking whatever we can from the community and building upon that..

No-one is peblo that’s why - we all are peblo. A symbol for CETS - an idea in itself.

Everything was going through the plan - ‘peblo’s plan towards world domination’ - but we were naive to think that the road would be smooth. Attention started to shift, markets started to crash, company systems started to take a hit, team members started to leave, revenue sources cut to 0, we doxxed, we dumped, delays, lack of direction and sooo much - everything just boiling down like a pressure cooker ready to explode… and in the past few months we felt the most uncomfortable ever in our whole life, just trying to balance the house of falling cards while the cards continued to fall one by one.

But in this discomfort - we learned the most.. we learnt about where we were going wrong in running this vehicle as a company - we were shifting focus too easily which we should have not, we were trying to do too many things ourselves - which was dumb, somewhere in the journey we forgot to harness our ultimate weapon - YOU guys.. it was a complete mess.

An unorganised chaos of creativity never channelizing into building momentum..

Through all the calls we had in the past few weeks - we have started to rectify these things that were straight out wrong, incorporating more feedbacks and building systems that might be taking a bit of time but are necessary to execute our vision in speed.

Moving forward there are a few things that will be forming the core of our efforts in Q1, starting from realigning the team structure and recruitments, doing a CETS brand positioning through a kickass rebrand and a cool assss exclusive drop (bring back the good ol cracked vibes).. and then focussing on how we can create a big enough dent across the whole ecosystem to get that sweeeettt ass attention where we feel BOOGERS will be extremely instrumental..

We know that we are not perfect but we strive for it.