As we've been surveying various companies and teams since the start of Beatrust, we have found that there are fundamental challenges that need to be overcome in order for organizations to be comfortable in collaborating with each other.

To address these challenges, we have expanded the Core Work and Tags sections of the profile page as a place to easily organize and share their current status, challenges, and goals.

The 3 steps described below outlines how you can leverage the new Core Work and Tags section.

STEP 1 Core Work and Tags - what are they?

Core Work

Core work is a section where you can write down main tasks and projects. Because this is shared only among employees of your company, you can share, for example, clients you are working for or research projects that you are working on.

Other than sharing what you do with others through Core Work, you can also find people who are in charge of specific tasks or projects by entering keywords in the search box.

The Core Work section is located at the top of the profile screen.

Core Work section is free formatted. Users usually write down their major tasks and responsibilities or a project summary. The example above allows your profile to be searched by keywords such as "acquisition strategy" or "business expansion".

Core Work section is free formatted. Users usually write down their major tasks and responsibilities or a project summary. The example above allows your profile to be searched by keywords such as "acquisition strategy" or "business expansion".

Core Work can be edited directly in the profile screen. You can also insert URLs related to your primary work.

Core Work can be edited directly in the profile screen. You can also insert URLs related to your primary work.


Tags are the most flexible section of Beatrust to express yourself. We may have joined the same company in the same year, or belong to the same department, but we all have different experiences, areas of interest, hobbies and skills, and favorite animals or art. Tags can express such information about yourself in a single phrase, term, or a sentence. We hope that that becomes a starting point to find common ground with other people and make unexpected discoveries.

Tags can be used to describe a variety of elements that shape a person, from work skills and interests to hobbies and life experiences.

Tags can be used to describe a variety of elements that shape a person, from work skills and interests to hobbies and life experiences.

You also have the +1 feature to communicate their interest in a tag to one another. When you click on a tag of someone's profile screen, the +1 menu will appear and you can add a +1 to the tag. The recipient will be notified by email.