Why lists and grids?

Lists and grid views are very common UI patterns.

Think Youtube, Ubereats, Instagram, Facebook, ...

Why? Because everything is easily representable as a list or grid of objects!

each item object have properties, which can be another list or another object, and so on...

from: https://www.airbnb.ca/

from: https://www.airbnb.ca/

🏘 Case study: Airbnb and Uberats



Airbnb view, for example has a grid view of places, each property has properties

UberEats has a grid of restaurants, each restaurant has properties...

In this chapter we'll represent the memes and the menu items in nice list and grid views.

Hard-coding much???

So far, in both the Menu example and Memes project, we are hard-coding a lot of things:

// Menu project
<Meal name="burger" picture="🍔" price="$4.50" />
<Meal name="pizza" picture="🍕" price="$2.50" />
<Meal name="ramen" picture="🍜" price="$5.50" />

// Meme project
<Meme id="fJdpdS5jaDje8" title="dogs running" />
<Meme id="13mLwGra9bNEKQ" title="dogs running 2" />
<Meme id="2kfl3evk6nUKk" title="dogs running 3" />
  1. We are explicitly rendering 3 Meals and 3 Memes. What if the data is coming from somewhere else? We don't know how many there will be!

  2. We are passing "static" values as props. Would be nice to store them in variables! Even better, group them in arrays!

    🏷 JS Array methods: map(), filter(), and reduce()

    // Map in ES5
    [1, 2, 3, 4].map(function(item) { return item*2 });
    // Map in ES6
    [1, 2, 3, 4].map(item => item*2)
    // [2, 4, 6, 8]
    // Filter in ES6
    [1, 2, 3, 4].filter(item => item%2===0)
    // [2, 4]
    // Reduce in ES6
    [1,2,3,4].reduce((accumulator, item) => accumulator + item, 0)
    // 10


    Process each item and get result for each


    Filters items based on given condition


    Reduce items into a single result

    Example: (Open the console tab to see results)


Basic Example of Lists and Keys - Todo List


Objects and JSON

Here's the Menu project again for reference:

<Meal name="burger" picture="🍔" price="$4.50" />
<Meal name="pizza" picture="🍕" price="$2.50" />
<Meal name="ramen" picture="🍜" price="$5.50" />
