Get Started

You can easily create new surveys in the 1Flow dashboard. Our survey widgets are designed to give your live users a delightful experience, and you can customize the look & feel to match your brand.

1. Create

Press the "Create a survey" button to start editing. Give it a title and optionally click on the icon to pick an emoji that helps you recognize it.


2. Design

Click on "Add a question" and pick from a variety of ways to ask your users. Some of the fields are pre-filled, but you can customize them however you like.

a. Edit a question - select type / copy / duplicate / delete

Click on the empty whitespace inside a question card to select it, on top of the question you can access the tool bar.


b. Change order

  1. When there are more than one questions, you can simply drag the questions to switch order.
  2. When editing multiple choice or checkbox type question, you can simply drag the choices to switch order.

You can include any number of questions, but for the best user experience, we recommend limiting your questions to no more than 4. Typically, we've seen great results with 2-3 targeted questions.

3. Configure

Click on the "Configure" tab to edit settings for this survey.


a. Appearance

(Optional) you can customize the survey theme color to match your brand color.

Color picker - click on the color box to select a color you want.

Manual input - Input a hex value (without the preceding # mark), and transparency value (we recommend keeping it at 100%).


b. Platforms

Select the platforms you want this survey to show on. At the time of writing, we only support iOS and Android.

Web will be supported in Q4 2021 - Q1 2022.


c. Survey Trigger

Our in-app surveys are triggered by events. Here, you can input one or more event names. When you finish typing, hit [Enter] to add this event.

If any of the events you enter is triggered, the survey will show up in the app.


d. Resurvey Options

You can control whether or not to allow the same user take this survey multiple times, and in what frequency.

A single-use survey will never show up again after the user has submitted a response.

A recurring survey will show up again after the time interval has passed (must be triggered by event, it will not automatically show up without the event).


4. Preview, Publish

Click on the eye icon next to Publish button to preview the survey in Mobile and Desktop view. When you're satisfied, press "Publish" and the survey will go live.


Pause / Resume Survey

When a survey is published, it will show up in the "In Progress" section. You can pause or resume a live survey anytime you like using the dashboard.

To pause a survey, move your mouse to hover above the survey, and open the 3-dot menu to select "Stop". The survey will move to "Completed" section.


To resume a survey, hover above the survey and select "Resume".

View Results

Clicking on any published survey (either "In Progress" or "Completed") will open the survey results page.

a. Date range and filters

You can select the date range and add filters by answer to a specific question, and other factors such as location, device and browser info, etc.


To quickly filter for a specific choice, click on the text for that choice to auto apply a filter.

b. Toggle survey status

You can click on the "Active" status to see options


c. Edit a live survey

While you can edit a live survey, you must do so with caution, since if you completely change an existing question, you may not get meaningful data. Editing the wording / grammar of existing language is generally okay, but adding new choices to a multiple choice or checkbox type is not recommended.

To edit a published survey, from the results view, click on the survey title, and click on "EDIT" button from the dropdown menu.
