Landing page

background color the same as actual w3a dao site but lighter - Rezz to find the background colour

Header: Search bar | Home | About Us | Work with Us (to be added later) | Get involved | Connect Wallet (Connect wallet to be darker)

| Home | About Us | DAO Team | Get involved | | Connect Wallet | - team decision (LFG!!)

W3A DAO description aligned to the LH Side of the page:

Web3 Academy DAO is a tokenized community on a mission to create resources, products and services to better support the wave of entrepreneurs, businesses and creators moving into Web3 over the coming date. team decision (LFG!!)

Logo DOER TOKEN next to DAO description to be replaced by new Juanzie's interactive token without music and to be placed on the RH side of the DAO description - team decision (LFG!!)


<aside> 🧭 To “level up” entrepreneurs in Web3, enabling them to create thriving communities and sustainable business models through engaging, immersive learning experiences.


Values :

Community | Education | Transparency | Ownership | Simplicity

Become a W3A DAO Genesis Donator - look into the actual website design and create link to purchase the NFT

Footer with: Contact us (link to generate a message box connected to our email box) Subscribe to our DAO newsletter link Twitter icon Lens icon Youtube icon Discord icon Mirror blog? Our Partners

✅ Tasks