
A description in one paragraph. If someone only reads this paragraph, they understand the user/business problem, the proposed solution, and the expected outcome at a high level.

Introduce language-specific filters and threads for comments during live streaming, enabling creators to engage more meaningfully with Spanish-speaking viewers and cultivate a tighter-knit community.

Problem Statement

A thematic problem. This can be a user story or a business need.

User Story / Business Need:

Solution Set and Sequencing

A set of hypotheses paired with a tactical solution.

Explicit language preference capture for creators - Paragraph on core concept.

Hypothesis: We can better connect content creators with the right audience if we can personalize the experience with their explicit language preferences.


Chat Language-based filter pills - Paragraph on core concept.

Hypothesis: Content Creators will have deeper, more rewarding experiences with their audience if they can filter comments to their language during live streams.


Creator + Audience chat threads - Paragraph on core concept.

Hypothesis: Content Creators will have deeper, more rewarding experiences with their audience if they can respond in threads instead of in the general chat.

Solution:- a menu for each chat comment that allows both content creators and audience to respond in-thread.


Lo-fi mocks of key incremental milestones and the desired the end state.


API Architecture
