
<aside> 🎯 **What have we achieved?

  1. Finalised Product** We now have our full product, ready to be used by clinicians. It is worth noting that this is just a proof of concept and shouldn't be used anywhere in production. We provide two fully, documented tested and published npm packages as well as provide formats and APIs that can be used outside the scope of the project.

2. Final Report Website After many hours of work, we now have our project website in a final state. You can find out everything from inception to competition of the project. This includes our first few client meetings and generating as many different solutions to the problem, to picking one out and making an idea a reality.


Finalised Proof Of Concept


The whole point of this project was for clinicians to be able to design a chatbot and deploy it on SMS with minimal hoops and hurdles and we are incredibly happy to say we have an intuitive solution to this problem in the form of SMS-It.

Here is an overview of our project as well as a demo of the solution:

You can head on over to here where we provide installers for SMS-It. Just download for your respective OS and follow our user-guide and you are good to go when it comes to using our complete proof of concept.


In previous blogs, we mentioned how we are developing two open-source NPM packages to allow developers to take a Voiceflow file and convert a chatbot design into one that is deployable and accessible by SMS.

We are happy to say these two packages are now live on the NPM package store and can be used by anyone.

Take a look at vf-to-ubf and ubf-to-twilio and have a go at creating your chatbot within just 4 lines of code.


Another one of our achievements is the stable file format we designed for a chatbot which SMS systems can interface with.