Tash’s Corner | A monthly newsletter that brings together a community around the intersection of style and consciousness.

Inspiration for the next 40 years.

  1. Follow a morning ritual. Allow it to flow. It’s 10 minutes minimum and it includes groovy tunes.
  2. Sweat often because movement gives me strength and strength makes me feel safe.
  3. I don’t always have to know why or explain why; let it be enough that it feels right..
  4. Keep dancing to the rhythm of life. It’s my own fast-paced beat.
  5. Stress is a part of life but I don’t have to allow it to take away my freedom. I’m free to set boundaries and turn towards the sun, the water, the mountains; any open space that reminds me I am so much more than what I fear that I might not be.
  6. Continue to reinvent myself in my career by following where I’m most creative.
  7. Choose to untangle the emotional wounds. The discomfort is worth it.
  8. I get to define what balance looks like daily. Honor the multi-hyphenate being that I am.
  9. I’m still the same little girl who is curiosity-led, drawn to human connection, and happier after an ice cream cone.
  10. Follow my inner compass. It’s guided me to play big and create a meaningful life.
  11. Listen to those crazy ideas, feel the goosebumps, and nurture the moments when inspiration sparks.
  12. Make time for the people who love me and love them back. Take vacations together, visit one another, and tell them how I feel. Sometimes it’s as easy as these four phrases borrowed from the Ho’oponopono prayer. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.”
  13. Worry less about the timing. Things have a way of unfolding at the perfect time.
  14. Invest in the 3 R’s: Resting, Reviewing, Resetting. Take solo trips to remind me of my values.
  15. On the other side of conflict, worries, and fears is wholeness, self-love, and peace.
  16. Stay with the process. It’s common for me to want to move through the discomfort as quickly as possible and to fix what’s “broken”, but healing doesn’t occur if I don’t connect to the part of me that is trying to get my attention.
  17. Love big. Dream big. Heal big.