The Funduro looks a bit different this year! We wanted to make the event more accessible to riders with a range of skill levels.

There are four (downhill) Funduro stages. Riders who finish at least three stages during the course-open window will be considered a Funduro finisher. Stages will be marked and there will be signage along the route to show you the way. Look for the Funduro signs and course flagging to make sure you’re on the right path!

Funduro Stages

  1. Wooley’s Revenge (from Pink Highway to Lost Lake)
  2. Windfall (from Pink Highway to the T-intersection)
  3. Heckle (from Connector to Upper Bench)
  4. Whoops* (Middle Bench from Connector, onto Easy Out to Crawford Bench)

Funduro Ride Plan

Each Funduro rider will be asked to file a ride plan at check-in. We will ask you if you are planning to ride Course A (the most challenging/longest), Course B, or Course C (the easiest). We will ask your ride plan so that we have a rough idea of where you are on course and when we can expect you back.

Riders are allowed to loop back and attempt the Whoops stage multiple times (within the course-open window)! Each attempt will be displayed in the timing results.

Click the links below to access the routes on Trailforks.

**OPTION A (4 stages)**