YC’s Essential Startup Advice

In Short, Ignore your competitors, you will more likely die of suicide than murder

Find the 90 / 10 solution

Find 10-100 customers who love your product

most transformative advice 変化することができる

launch their product right away; = understand the customer problem

A lot of references

Sam Altman always points out that it is nearly always better to take the more ambitious path.

Growth is always a focus for startups, since a startup without growth is usually a failure.

One of the hardest things about doing a startup is choosing what to do,

It is very difficult as a new startup founder not to obsess about competition, actual and potential. It turns out that spending any time worrying about your competitors is nearly always a very bad idea. We like to say that startup companies always die of suicide not murder.

best bit of advice is to raise money as quickly as possible and then get back to work.

By the way, it is vital to remember that the money you raise IS NOT your money.

Ignore your competitors, you will more likely die of suicide than murder