The following syllabus is for Gajabaar InfoSecurity Mentorship Summer Program for 2021. A really lengthy but more accurate title for the content would be "Introduction to Offensive Security on and with Linux Environments using the free tools and platform available online." The timeline will cover basic OS security and web security.

Office Hours

Anjelika Sah — Sun, Tue 8-9PM —

Kalyan Parajuli — Tue, Fri 6-7 PM —

Prasant Adhikari — Mon-Thu 7-8PM —

Suresh Panth — Wed, Thu 8-9PM —



The following is a work in progress that can change as per mentor's discretion or Mentee Feedback.

Module 0: MIT's missing semester

Available at, the course covers some of the fundamental tools you will be using for a career in computer science. We highly recommend getting familiar with the course content there. We will be offering office hours in the months leading up the summer for the content provided in this module. The communication will mostly be over discord.

<aside> 💡 If it's not documented, you didn't do it!


Module 1: The Essentials