Notes for today's discussion

What gets measured, gets done.

We need to measure for outcomes, not outputs.

The measures we choose will become goals for our organization.

We need to be thoughtful and careful.

We've identified four categories of UX Metrics.

UX Success Metrics

Based on our UX Outcomes.

If we do a great job on our design, how do we improve someone's life?

Tell us the precise moment when we've improved someone's life with our design work.

UX Progress Metrics

Tells us the progress we're making towards our UX Success Metrics.

(We'll talk more about UX Progress Metrics in next week's call topic, when we discuss Progress Frameworks.)

UX Problem-Value Metrics

Tells us the progress we're making eliminating obstacles that prevent our users from reaching their UX Outcomes.

Example: The $300 Million Button

UX Value Discovery Metrics

Tells us how we can integrate the data we've collected to improve our users' experiences.

(We'll go into depth on all of these in our upcoming 5-day intensive on Persuasive UX Metrics.)

There's no way to identify meaningful UX Metrics without a mature user research capability.

Maturity of User Research:

Stage 0: No user research at all

Teams are focused only on business and technology needs.

Stage 1: Basic usability testing

Teams conduct usability tests where tasks are derived from function points in the product, service, or feature.

Stage 1.5: Basic usability testing with tasks from customer support

Teams start to integrate task scenarios from problems customers call in with.

Stage 2: Interview-based task usability testing

Teams use tasks that come from user research to validate the design.

Stage 3: Basic field research

Teams go into the users' environments to learn more about how users integrate the product, service, or feature.

Stage 4: Focused field research

Teams seek out users and environments to fill in gaps in the team's knowledge.

Stage 5: Longitudinal studies

Teams conduct in-depth research into the lives of users; before, during, and after their use of the product, service, or feature.

Stage 6: Strategic user research

Teams conduct research that directs where the organization's product and service strategies should go.

To identify effective UX Metrics, the team has to reach a minimum of Stage 4: Focused field research.

Upcoming Talk UX Strategy topics

Resources for this week's topic

How a Team Matures Its User Research Integration

Shifting Our Team Goals to be UX Outcomes