Two text components are added by default to all templates: the title and the body components. You can add as many text components as you want in a template. You can delete a text component by clicking the "Delete" button, and add new ones by clicking on the + button.


  1. Name: the name of your text component. The name will be added to the mockup on the right so you can visualize it better. Think about adding long names if you want to see how the text will look like over several lines.
  2. Font size: increase or reduce the size of your font. In px.
  3. Font color: change the color of the text.
  4. Line height: the height of each line. In general, a rule of thumb is to add 3px compared to the font size.
  5. Text align: write "left", "right", or "center".
  6. Letter spacing: the space between letters. Generally 0px.
  7. Font family: the font used for this text component. Refer to the custom fonts section to see how to upload new fonts to your account.
  8. Margin top: the space above your text component.
  9. Margin bottom: the space below your text component.
  10. Dark mode - font color: the color of the font when in dark mode - if dark mode has been turned on in the Layout section for this template.