Shifts need to be defined to calculate OEE for the time the machine is scheduled to work. If shifts are not defined then Dashboard shows an alert and no calculations are being done for the work data collected for your machine.

On the Quick Device Setup page for Shifts, you can simply add your everyday shift routine with one go to all the newly added workstations. Follow the steps:

  1. Shift Name - name the recurring shift. TIP! If you have several shifts for one day, then add names that will easily separate them from each other. For, example - 1. shift and 2. shift OR morning shift and evening shift OR CNC and Planer.
  2. Recurrance - choose correct recurring pattern for the shift - default options are:
  3. Start time and End time - define the correct start and end time for the particular shift temaple
  4. Devices - choose which devices need to have this shift. By default all the newly added devices are pre-selected. TIP! If devices need to have different shifts, then first create shift for one and then separately for the other.
  5. Click on 'Add shift' to create the shift you defined with above steps
  6. Click on 'Finish Quick Setup' if no more shifts need to be added and if additional shift templates are needed, then add the next shift following steps 1.-5. again.

Read more about Shifts

Congratulations - you have setup up your GlobalReader monitoring devices and are ready to start exploring the real-time data about your production.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas, our Support team is always waiting for your feedback: [email protected]

Move back to Passport overview or explore Device advanced setup options.