Repetition can be surprising and useful, or it can put the reader to sleep. Unless that is the function of your piece, question what your elements of repetition accomplish.

For instance, a drawing of an onion with the caption “onion” may be redundant, but it can also be humorous or simply unnoticeable. If the onion is depicted with a stylized symbol, it wouldn’t draw much attention to it. If it’s a realistically rendered onion, we don’t really need the word “onion” next to it, if instead of an onion you decide to draw an apple, it’s a whole new story altogether.


Make an illustrated list, or a set of instructions, or a recipe, or something else that involves numbered items or steps to be taken. It can be a straightforward succession of points or a convoluted flowchart.

Possible directions:

• an actual recipe

• an inedible recipe (e.g. recipe for heartbreak, despair, loneliness, misery, etc)

• an inventory of objects

• a well-known story transcribed in schematic form

• a deconstructed joke

• something actually useful (how to dig a hole, befriend an ostrich, stay healthy etc)

• exercises (example)

• a personal narrative told in an impersonal form

Format: 8,5 X 11” vertical