
Paths Effects can create more complex Shapes

Objects and Stokes converted to paths allows us to do more complex modification. To determine the right button to select is dependent on if the stroke is complete ( is an object) or not (is a line). If you used a pre-made shape, you will still need to convert it to a path.

Stroke has a break point (not complete, also considered a line) Stroke is complete (start and end connect, also considered an object)
Button Under Path Stroke to Path Object to Path

These path modifications include merging two shapes, finding their intersection, among more advance options.

Basic Path Effects

As we try to create more complex images, we can can use these shapes to do so. Once they are converted to paths, select the shapes you want to modify and go Path and select which changes you want made.

Union: combining the paths of the two objects (one path remains).

Difference: the path on top will remove from the path of the bottom.

Intersection: creating a new path that is derived from where the two paths overlapped.

Exclusion: creating a new path that is derived from where the two paths never overlapped.

Division: Similar to difference with a new integrated path from the image (top) which overlapped (bottom).

Cut Path: Use one object to cut the path of another and break it into two.

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Live Path Effects

There are a variety of path effects that can be applied, some more crazier (and experimental) than others. While we will not cover all of them in this guide, we will cover a few and some examples of them.

This includes currently:

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Changing the Perspective of a Shape/Object

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Want to give an object a sense of 3-dimensional space. We can select the path and add a Path Effect, then select the plus (➕) button and select Perspective/Envelope.

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Path effects will be replaced with a menu option for Perspective/Envelop.

First select the plane you want to change move the shape into:

Turning an object along a horizontal plan in 3D space.

Turning an object along a horizontal plan in 3D space.

Changing the Perspective of a Shape/Object

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Let’s say we want to build an images which has an object that repeats itself. Rather than copy and pasting dozens of times, we can use Path Effects to make on object repeat along the path of another. To do so, will require a few steps.

First create the shape you want to repeat and the object/stroke you want the shape to repeat along (both in path form).

  1. Select and copy the object to be repeated (control/command C works great).
  2. Select the object which is the path of which object repeated will be created from.