The Damaging Effects of Perfectionism and the Rise of Parental Expectations

Perfectionism can be damaging as it leads individuals to fixate on small details, neglecting the bigger picture and avoiding taking risks. Instead of practicing self-compassion and learning from mistakes, perfectionists engage in self-shaming. The rise of perfectionism is not solely attributed to social media; parental behaviors also play a significant role. Rising parental expectations and harsh criticism contribute to the increasing trend of perfectionism. In a more competitive world, parents have higher expectations for their children, driven by the fear that their children may not surpass their own achievements. However, this pursuit of success can turn children into achievement robots, leading to burnout. The pressure to meet impossible standards and the fear of failure hinder personal growth and result in a narrow comfort zone. It is essential to recognize the damaging effects of perfectionism and promote self-compassion, risk-taking, and a balanced approach to success. (TimeĀ 0:29:45)