
This program started with two unique governance experiments. A “domain allocation” governance experiment allowed the community to direct funds to four matching pools based on Questbook program domains. Then 4 quadratic funding rounds sourced grants to assist their domain allocators in sourcing grants.

Why the Program Was Funded

This program was designed by Plurality Labs to :

Rounds & Milestones

Round 1 - Run the Domain Allocation Round and post results

Round 2 - Run 4 Quadratic Funding Rounds concurrently and post results


Decision Mechanism

The decison of what to fund is made using quadratic funding.

First, we hosted a round on Ethereum mainnet using Quadratic Funding for Meta-allocation, the decision of how to split 100k ARB between the 4 domain pools. Because these rounds were designed to support the questbook program, the 4 domains selected by Questbook were used. In the following 4 quadrative funding rounds, the eligibility criteria matched questbook's eligibility criteria. They were all run on Arbitrum One.

The program supports experiments to see if…

Expected Outcomes