The Ultimate Prompt Resource for Instructional Designers, Learning Architects, and Online Course Creators!

You can access many prompts with a single click to help spark your creativity and increase productivity. 🤩📚

From lesson plans to training video scripts and everything in between, these prompts are designed to help you create dynamic and interactive learning experiences.

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And for even more prompt resources, check out my Patreon page! 💻👨‍🏫

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel

Also, you can subscribe to my YouTube channel for GenAI training videos.

Register for my ChatGPT for Learning & Development Masterclass.

Don't settle for dull and uninspired content. Click the links and start exploring today!

<aside> 💡 Directions:

  1. Start by reading the Prompt Basics section. Scroll down through the list of prompts. You will see a yellow section labeled Prompt Basics. ← Great tips in here!
  2. Go to the Notion page with the prompt code you want to copy and select the code by highlighting it.
  3. Right-click on the highlighted code and select "Copy" or use the shortcut keys "Ctrl+C" (Windows) or "Cmd+C" (Mac) to copy the code to your clipboard or click the “Copy” button in the upper right of the code box.
  4. Navigate to your platform's Natural Language Processing (NLP) text prompt field (OpenAI ChatGPT, Microsoft Bing Chat, Google Gemini, or Anthropic Claude).
  5. Click on the text prompt field to activate it and position your cursor where you want to paste the code.
  6. Right-click on the cursor position and select "Paste" or use the shortcut keys "Ctrl+V" (Windows) or "Cmd+V" (Mac) to paste the code from your clipboard into the text prompt field.
  7. Once the code is pasted into the text prompt field, review and edit the prompt as needed to create any customizations. </aside>


Last updated: February 22, 2024