Facilitator: Fintan

Secretary: Ellis


Check-in 5-10mins:

  1. Check-in Fintan - doing ok fustrated
  1. Contributor Scrum Stand-up (10-15 mins)

    1. What did I do in the last week?
    2. What will I do in the week ahead
    3. Are there any impediments in my way


    This week:

    1. Are there any impediments in my way
  2. To-Do (15 mins)

Having it ready every Friday from Ayo Amplification Social events - community roundtable, community wellbeing proposals, self care with Fabs, Start posting the weekly overview on Reddit @ellis liu that Pheros posts on Telegram every Monday

Discord roll up on pause - alot of text, is there a better way such as making a video. Was meant to have a video but it was postponed Shawn needs to setup a meeting with Avenue, thats the bot that does the rollup, turns it into a newsletter Reach out to Ivan Juliette has a research on the different contributors, developers etc https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/156KNxNpWA4r3Jr86U2QSZm3RKxMUXrAncwrS_DuXBFs/edit#slide=id.g13675773ce2_3_36
