1. 작성자 : 서 헬레나

  2. 공부한 날짜 : 2023.4.3. ~2023.4.10.

  3. 수강한 강의 : Match Challenge 073

  4. 키워드 : Did you enjoy…?, didn’t interest me, I guess, I’m sure, It’s not for everyone

  5. 노트 :

    1. (me) Did you enjoy the new game released yesterday? 어제 나온 신작 게임 해 봤어? (correct) Did you enjoy the new game they released yesterday?
    2. (me) It didn’t interest me. (correct) It just didn’t interest me.
    3. (me) I guess it’s not for everyone.
    4. (me) but I’m sure others like it. (correct) but I’m sure others would enjoy it.
  6. 요약 : 어제 나온 신작 게임이 나한테는 재미가 없었다는 얘기

  7. 응용 문장 : I guess it’s suit for me or not.

  8. 수강한 강의 : Match Challenge 074

  9. 키워드 : the difference between, put pressure on, there is a fine line between

  10. 노트 :

    1. (me) Parents should know the difference between encouraging children and putting pressure on. (correct) Parents have to know the difference between encouraging and putting pressure on their children.
    2. (me) There is a fine line between two of them. (correct) There is a fine line between the two.
  11. 요약 : 부모들이 아이들을 격려하는 것과 부담을 주는 것은 한끗 차이다

  12. 응용 문장 : Couple have to know the difference between dating and cheating.

  13. 수강한 강의 : Match Challenge 075

  14. 키워드 : take something home, I wouldn’t if I were you, Don’t let looks fool you, enough to

  15. 노트 :

    1. (me) Wow, look at that tiny frog. (correct) Wow, look at that little frog.
    2. (me) So cute. I want to take it home. (correct) It’s so cute. I want to take it home.
    3. (me) I wouldn’t if I were you.
    4. (me) Don’t let looks fool you.
    5. (me) It looks pretty but it can be deadly people. (correct) They are beautiful, but deadly.
    6. (me) It releases venom enough to kill adults upto thirteen. (correct) They release enough venom to kill upto 13 adults.
  16. 요약 : 작은 개구리가 예쁘지만 성인 13명을 죽일 수도 있는 독을 가지고 있다

  17. 응용 문장 : You know tiny and beautiful small thing has enough venom to kill something.