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English Tutorial

Welcome to the first beginner's tutorial of Heptabase!

The core purpose of Heptabase is to help you learn and conduct research more effectively, enabling you to develop a deep understanding of the topics that matter to you.

In Heptabase, there are three core concepts that are particularly important. They are:

Once you have grasped these three concepts, you have already mastered the essence of Heptabase and can begin your learning and research. Below, I will elaborate on each concept one by one.



A card is your note, as well as a container for knowledge and ideas. You can type / to add any types of blocks you want: headings, lists, to-dos, toggles, tables, images, audio, videos, files, PDFs, code snippets, math equations, and dates.

At Heptabase, all cards are stored in the Card Library.


When learning a new topic, you may create cards with just a few sentences, each describing an important concept. However, as you delve deeper into your learning, you may find yourself creating cards with longer content, some even resembling articles or documents.

At Heptabase, cards can mention each other, and you can see how they are referenced by other cards in the card’s info section. All these interconnected cards together form your knowledge network.


