Attrition Rate

The attrition rate helps you understand the number of people leaving over a given period, across your company. This lets you know if you need to review current retention strategies, and where to focus your effort.

Average Commute

The average commute tells you how long it takes, on average, for your employees to get to work. This can help you make better choices about the location of your current offices, and to inform your growth and expansion strategies.

Average Number of Direct Reports

The average number of direct reports shows you how many employees the average manager at your company oversees. This is used to understand if your managers are being stretched, or have capacity for growing their team.

Average Performance Rating by Diversity

This helps you understand the performance of your diverse employees. This can be used to better focus learning and training initiatives, and to benchmark against larger trends.

Average Salary

The average salary helps you understand the compensation of your average employee. This is a quick way to check  if your salaries are competitive within your industry, or if your company is meeting internal benchmarks on pay.

Average Tenure

This tells you the average amount of time an employee has been with your company. This can form part of your overall turnover statistics, and give you an at-a-glance picture of how long-term your average employee is.

Candidate Forecast

The candidate forecast helps you see how many applicants are needed to meet your current headcount goals. This gives you the knowledge you need to scale hiring efforts up or down, and to manage your budget for hiring more effectively.

Candidate Process Funnel

The candidate process funnel helps you understand how quickly and efficiently candidates move through the recruitment process. This gives you insight into your overall recruiting activities and recruiter effectiveness.

Compa Ratio

The compa ratio shows you where your employee’s compensation sits relative to the exact midpoint of compensation over the whole company. This lets you quickly see if an employee is potentially being under or overpaid.

Compensation Fairness