Creating a Command Center

Describe the behavior of the command center/console in the repl.

Designing a Command-Center-Esque Program

Loops and Iteration

While Loops are used to do something over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until some exit condition. That means we're going to do whatever is inside those brackets until that exit condition is false.

We will be employing the use of a while loop.

We were a bit iffy on these in NetLogo, so let's do a couple of practice problems with these.

Groups (invite collaborators):

  1. Duck Duck Goose
  2. Random Math Problem Generator
  3. 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
  4. RC Cola: Print out a random number until it's 6

Variables and Inputs

"How do we make a slider?"

—Ryan's famous last words

Creating variables are relatively simple in Python.