
Original Post - http://crkeyline.ca/what-is-keyline-design/

The central idea behind ‘Keyline’ water management is to consciously slow, sink and spread rainwater by relieving compaction, opening up pore space in compacted soil and distributing excess water towards drier parts of the landscape. This has the effect of buffering the natural concentration of water towards valleys and reducing flooding.

By maximizing the flow of water to drier ridges (using precise plow lines or mounds that fall slightly off contour), we can infiltrate it across the broadest possible area. In this respect, keyline strategies can be both a flood and drought mitigation strategy.

‘Keyline’ water management has the potential to enhance the water efficiency of any production system. Applications can include:


Nevellan, a farm developed in the 1950's by P.A. Yeoman in NSW Australia.


Basic Keyline Geometry


Natural Concentration of Soil Moisture.

1. Keyline Design History