DB is an interface to monitor the off-chain development progress of freelancers and react to pre-set milestones with on-chain logic set by bounty providers. DB Smart Agreement framework will consist of the Smart Agreement smart contract, Gitcoin's frontend interface, and an upkeep contract in Chainlink's Keeper network.

DB Life Cycle

  1. Freelancers and bounty issuers log in to DB using DID via Metamask, Torus, and other DIDs/wallets.

  2. Bounty issuers create bounty jobs with clearly defined task milestones and submission method (eg. Github repo issues), and specify job title, the scope of work, success criteria, timeframe, and compensation. Bounties are then published to DB. Bounties are sorted by their categories. (eg tech, design, operation, etc.)

  3. Freelancers can browse and look for bounties they are interested in and submit a proposal to claim the bounty. Proposals can include previous work, background, GitHub, etc.

  4. After the job provider approves, the freelancer claims the bounty. From this point, the task may not be edited.

  5. The issuer pre-deposits the lump sum of compensation into smart-escrow.

  6. The freelancer submits their work by milestones; bounty issuers communicate any feedback to the freelancer; after each milestone is submitted and deemed satisfactory, the milestone is marked as closed.

7.  If the bounty is associated with GitHub repo, then when the issuer merge the code and close the issue, it indicates that the milestone is marked as closed.**

  1. The deposited funds will be transferred to the freelancer when the pre-set milestones of the agreement are fulfilled.

DB Features

DB Platform: The Gitcoin De-Bounty Platform will be a serverless website statically hosted on IPFS + Arweave, and runs entirely within the user's browser. Key components of the platform include: A bounty board powered by a decentralized smart-escrow service for bounty rewards that automate payment execution. A bounty management dashboard for issuers and freelancers. Integrated communications systems for dialogue between issuers and freelancers. On-chain records of freelancers/issuers' activity are associated with their DID, which provides a strong foundation for a credit system to track trustworthiness.

Automation: DB is intended to be a standard interface for users to initiate freelancer-related Smart Agreements (see "Introducing Smart Agreement"). In this way, the development progress of freelancers can be monitored by Chainlink keepers, and when the pre-set terms of the bounty agreement are met, Keepers will trigger the pre-deployed BOT smart contract execution. If the freelancer's work has been merged by the bounty provider before the deadline, and the is milestone closed by the job provider, the Smart Agreement will automatically transfer the token compensation to the freelancer's address.

Smart Escrow: In order to guarantee freelancers receive their pre-agreed upon compensation, bounty providers have to pre-deposit the lump sum of compensation into a Smart Agreement contract. To maximize capital efficiency, we allow bounty providers to deposit cToken, aToken, yToken, and other interest-generating tokens. These pre-deposited funds will be transferred to the freelancer when the pre-set terms of the agreement are fulfilled.

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