Last week, we hoped to get everything up and running. This week, we hope that again.


This week we aim to continue the re-implementation of our business logic into something browser compatible, largely finish our React UI (functionally), and connect it to the architecture we outlined last week (click).

<aside> 🎯 **What are we looking to achieve?

  1. Browser Compatibility. Almost there!** Last week we introduced the idea of rewriting some of our algorithms to be compatible in a browser environment. We have stable progress and a big part of the logic is there and is working.

2. Connecting React Pages Together After creating the first draft of all pages of our UI in React, we want to create the proper transitions between them.

3. Data Handling Behind The Pages We already have a stable "backend-like" base to manage the interaction between our components, and now we want to connect the UI to that base in order to display data and invoke actions.


Browser Compatibility. Almost there!

We have stable progress with the JS implementation of our business logic. In fact, nearly everything is functioning correctly. What is left is what many project managers assume does not cost any extra time - the final touches (which consequently happen to take as much time as the core logic). That is, proper error handling, using the right functional interface and data structures, as well as using only browser-compatible NPM libraries.

Connecting React Pages Together

Our frontend research group made a groundbreaking discovery - that if you have a set of seemingly independent react pages, you can link them together so that users can navigate around. In our lab experiments, that increased customer satisfaction uncountably infinite times (0 vs non-0). And so we implemented that approach (plus a few under the hood details). Here are some of our screens as it stands right now:

Data Handling Behind The Pages

Last week we also defined the core architecture of our frontend app - a functional API, a data model, and data store, and a functional interface to that store. This week, we connected every relevant react page and component to properly interact with our data store and functions.

We provided a mocked API implementation while our API development team complains that JavaScript is not Python. That means that we can develop and fully complete the UI without the API itself. And so we did, mostly.