About the company:

  1. Like auto.ru from eBay
  2. Marketplace for trading new and used cars in the EU


  1. How do you evaluate your developer's KPI? Annual system of promotion.
  2. What are the next steps of the hiring process? Greeting interview, Product interview, Technical interview, Team interview.
  3. I would like to understand the product a bit more. What are short-term goals for 2022 in terms of product development, mostly for the developer side? NDA.
  4. How often is it possible to get feedback from the team leader? No less than once per week.
  5. How do you evaluate your developer's growth? Do you have a regular one-on-one system or an annual system? Yes, one-on-one. Groth depends on the leader and my team's opinion about me in the anonymous employee’s growth system.

My motivation:

  1. Working in a product that has so much in common with my background. Traded more than 50 cars during my university time, so I understand the pain of each side (a seller and a buyer) of the business and now I would like to join the developer side, which can help with solving some of this pain.
  2. The company seems to be experienced with developing complex software in a friendly workspace environment.
  3. Working on hight loaded products.
  4. An opportunity to move into mobile development (I have downloaded and tested the mobile.de app).


  1. Annual review of the salary
  2. Bonus system
  3. eBay provides all the equipment for work
  4. Multicultural teams
