Create an immersive scene that can be viewed in 360°.

The scene can be naturalistic (room, landscape, tabletop) or surreal (dreamscape, space, imaginary). It can have a particular concept and/or narrative to it, with characters and props, or stay purely visual. Keep the medium in mind at every stage, even when you're sketching out ideas on paper—how does the scene utilize the given space, what about it works better in 3d than in 2d?

Outside Quill

  1. Sketch out rough ideas in drawings and/or words.
  2. Present the sketch, along with a color scheme.
  3. Continue to sketch and plan the scene between the Quill sessions to save time and streamline the production.

Inside Quill

  1. Set up the scale and proportions on a sketch layer.
  2. Import the color scheme and any additional preparatory materials. Sketch out the scene loosely, focusing mainly on spatial relationships and depth.
  3. Refine the sketch and do style tests. Plan out the brushes you're using and their mode (transparency or whatever this thing is called).
  4. Render the main elements.
  5. Edit and polish the scene.